Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A world of sponges.

I hope this parent won't mind but I just HAD to share an email I recieved this morning....

She wrote:
I've noticed a huge improvement in --------'s ability to read, just in this past week. It is like something has clicked! It is so impressive! Thank you! He seems so proud and confident!

And this was my response:
That's my favorite part of my job! I seriously can’t even take credit for're right, something just clicks with them (some early on in the year and some not until later) All of a sudden not only can they read, they WANT to read! It really is amazing!

Y'all seriously....this such an incredible age for learning. All it takes is me telling them just one time and voila...they get it! They really are little sponges. Of course not everyone is reading yet but I hope you all have noticed changes in your child.  Obviously, I want everyone to always perform well but I don't care about testing, etc.,  my main goal here is that they gain a love of learning. period. the end. Everything else falls into place.  So I will keep "tricking" them into learning new things everyday by having tons of fun and I hope the fun continues for the rest of their life.

Has there been something this year (besides lunch and recess!!) that your student couldn't wait to tell you about when they got home?? Let me know what they're loving so I can keep it up!

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