Thursday, October 20, 2011

We welcome this weather!

You can guess where I tried to spend most of our day yesterday....OUTSIDE in the beautiful weather.

We went outside for snack (which we rarely have time to do...but I couldn't miss out on this opportunity!)

And then stayed outside for a little math...I would call out a number and tell them something to do with it...("write a number 5" "show me one way to make 4" "make 3 tallys" "draw one picture" etc.)

Let's hope this weather sticks! At least until it's time for the next season change!

I hope (and encourage!!) you and your kiddos to put away the iPads and video games and ENJOY the B-E-A-utiful weather given to us right now! 

PS - I also added all our things to the wall...finally! I gotta be honest, this doesn't always happen...
Any volunteers to help take it all down in the next couple weeks?!??

Speaking of volunteers....shoot me an email if you'd like to read to our class. In the past I've always had readers on Fridays at the same time each week.  This year our schedule is a little different so send me an email with a time and date you'd like to come in and read and I'm sure we can make it happen! 

Also, next Friday around 1:00 we will be cutting open pumpkins, exploring the inside (counting seeds, discussing all the parts, etc.) and the carving them.  If you'd like to volunteer email me! You'll need to bring a bowl for the insides, a knife, and a jack-o-lantern pumpkin. Let me know!!

Thanks y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure when you want to take the pumpkins down but I'm available after Art a la Carte on the 1st. (I can also stay after any of the art days to read.)
